Test Post for Captions

Christy Rupp, Exploit/Exhale, 2010. Included in the Cooper Union exhibition “Emissions: Images from the Mixing Layer” as part of Marfa Dialogues/NY.

Caption Text caption text Christy Rupp, Exploit/Exhale, 2010. Included in the Cooper Union exhibition “Emissions: Images from the Mixing Layer” as part of Marfa Dialogues/NY.

Body text body text body text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum convallis volutpat dui. Nunc pellentesque nunc lacinia viverra posuere. Pellentesque volutpat sit amet tortor at scelerisque. Integer eu lorem nibh. In lacus nisi, tincidunt a ultricies at, vestibulum vitae mi. Morbi id ultrices orci. Duis massa risus, mollis sed volutpat eget, sollicitudin ut orci. Nullam fringilla convallis elit. Phasellus at tristique tellus. Pellentesque eget erat mattis, commodo massa at, dapibus dui. Maecenas eu mi sed tortor adipiscing sagittis nec eu est. In ac enim tortor.


We attempted a workaround, but it still looks jacked in terms of line spacing + the fact that we are working with code that we don’t really understand:




A test caption with a longer amount of content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Blah blah I’m eating gummy bears.



Harold Hodges and Rauschenberg at work on Oracle. Photo Billy Klüver
Harold Hodges and Rauschenberg at work on Oracle.
Photo Billy Klüver

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